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Items To Leave Behind for Buyers When You Sell Your Home

Preparing for a new move is both exhausting and exhilarating. You’re excited to take on the next venture in your life, yet dreading packing everything into boxes and preparing them for the moving van. You may also feel sentimental about a lot of your stuff, but you can leave some things behind for the new homeowners to enjoy. Here’s a list of appropriate items to leave behind for buyers when you sell your home.

In-Ground Features

Many items, such as an above ground pool, can cost a lot to remove yourself. Items such as these should remain behind so that the new homeowners can decide if they want to remove them or use them for other purposes. 

Owner’s Manuals or Warranties

You no longer own the home, so you don’t need to hang onto old owner’s manuals or warranties, since they’ll likely be in the new homeowner’s name once they move in. In other words, for any appliances you’re leaving behind, such as the dishwasher, water heater, or water softner, leave the homeowner’s manuals and warranties for the new owners to use. This allows them to easily request services and buy replacement parts for their appliances.

Hardwired Systems

Some systems require extensive wiring or mounting to a wall. You’ll need to leave these behind to avoid damaging the walls. 

As you decide what items to leave behind for new buyers when you sell your house, take the time to look at things you can replace. There are many items to sort through and many more you can easily substitute in your new home.

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